Al Madinah

Hike to Jammaa Al-Aqir


Hike to Jammaa Al-Aqir Mountain offers an unforgettable adventure where you can explore its breathtaking natural landscapes and learn about its unique historical landmarks, all while enjoying a peaceful and beautiful experience.Meeting Point15 minutesThe hike to Jammaa Al-Aqir Mountain begins with the reception of visitors at the meeting point, followed by a journey to the mountain with a specialized hiking guide. Upon arrival, the guide will provide an overview of Jammaa Al-Aqir and its remarkable history, then lead the visitors through the mountain trails to explore the unique terrain and rocks.Jammaa Al-Aqir Mountain2 hoursPrepare for an unforgettable adventure at Jammaa Al-Aqir! Embark on a climb through the mountain, enjoying the peaceful walk between rocks and natural paths. You’ll get to know the beauty of the surrounding environment and relish the tranquility that fills the area. From the mountain's summit, enjoy fresh air and a panoramic view of the stunning nature and diverse terrain that tell stories from the past. A thrilling and peaceful experience at the heart of nature.End of the Tour40 minutesAfter spending time at the summit and relishing the views, the tour concludes with a local dish tasting filled with new flavors. Visitors leave with exciting memories from this unique hiking experience.


Starts from
490 SAR


Almadinah Almunawarah
4:00 Hours
All Ages

Related Keywords

Meeting point

Location: Almadinah Almunawarah